The Wonders Of Nature


How many of us have ever stopped to admire the beauty of nature? The rainbow with its seven colours, the rising sun or the fierce waves of the ocean? We are always too busy, and have no time for all this. We prefer watching TV.

If only you care to stop for a while, you will notice that nature is full of many wonders. Flowers and trees are God’s greatest creations. How delicately they are made! How charming, and above all, how useful! The trees know exactly when to shed their leaves and when to flower. Can anyone but god make a tree?

The animal and insect world abounds with wonders. There are fish produce their own electricity. There are insects that live and work in colonies and are more disciplined than man. There are birds with richly-coloured feathers and clear voices. The weaver birds weaves its own nest, and the tailor bird actually stiches together leaves to make a cozy home. The tortoise carries its home on its back!

Nature is all around us. Even if one lives in a city, one can enjoy the dewdrops on the flowers in the morning, the silvery moon, the twinkling stars and the beautiful colours of the twilight.

We only need to open our eyes and hearts. In the deserts, in the rivers, on the snow-capped mountains and even on barren land – in fact the wonders of nature are everywhere.

W.H. Davies, the British poet and author, has said:

“What is this life, if ful of care,

We have no time to stand and stare?”

How true this is!


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