
The Wonders Of Nature

  How many of us have ever stopped to admire the beauty of nature? The rainbow with its seven colours, the rising sun or the fierce waves of the ocean? We are always too busy, and have no time for all this. We prefer watching TV. If only you care to stop for a while, you will notice that nature is full of many wonders. Flowers and trees are God’s greatest creations. How delicately they are made! How charming, and above all, how useful! The trees know exactly when to shed their leaves and when to flower. Can anyone but god make a tree? The animal and insect world abounds with wonders. There are fish produce their own electricity. There are insects that live and work in colonies and are more disciplined than man. There are birds with richly-coloured feathers and clear voices. The weaver birds weaves its own nest, and the tailor bird actually stiches together leaves to make a cozy home. The tortoise carries its home on its back! Nature is all around us. Even if one lives in a ...

Cut your Coat according to your Cloth

  If you give a piece of cloth to a tailor to make a coat, the tailor will first measure the cloth and then decide what kind of coat has to be made out of it. He will not be able to make a coat that requires more material than the cloth provided. The same is the case with our income and expenditure. Our expenses should always be within the limits of our income. Otherwise, we are sure to land in debt and difficulties. The proverb thus tell us not to spend more than what we earn i.e., to live within our means, This proverb noy only to individuals but also to business establishments. Of course, a company mat rise a loan to expand or diversify its business. But it must do so judiciously; otherwise it can even go bankrupt. Even the government of a country has to keep in mind its total resources while spending. If it does not do so and goes borrowing recklessly from banks and foreign countries, it could result in severe economic problems for the country. Hence the saying is of great prac...


  Sportsmanship is very valuable characteristic that every sportsman should develop. It is essential not only for anyone who participates in sports, but also in normal, daily life. What are the qualities that are necessary for a person to have ‘sportsmanship’? Such a person should have devotion and dedication towards his sport. He should be able to bear the any hardships that come his way. He should have the determination to do his best and the optimism to be sure that he will be victories. Of course, he should also be polite and play the game fairly and show respect and consideration to others. Such a person will be liked by everyone and held in high regard by society.

Is Plastic bad for environment

  Plastic is extremely bad for the environment. It is one of man’s worst inventions. Plastic is non-biodegradable. This means that waste plastic cannot be turned into any other substance that is eco-friendly. Although tons and tons of plastic are brunt in most advanced incinerators, all that remains is plastic. It’s doesn’t change into anything else, as many other materials do. Hence, plastic waste is dangerous to the environment. Plastic carry bags reach the drainage system and this causes clogging especially during the rains. If too much plastic ends up in a lake or a pond, it creates a layer that denies oxygen to everything below so that no plant or animal life can survive in that water body. If animals eat plastic bags thrown in rubbish dumps, it knots up their intestines and they die painful deaths. If plastic lies on land it can choke it to the extent that nothing will grow there again. Hence, plastic must be done away with completely. There are many alternatives to plastic a...

There is enough for everybody's needs but not for everybody's greed

  God created this world enough natural resources to fulfil the needs of every single person. Yet there are some who, driven by greed, wish to acquire land and property beyond imaginable bounds. As a result, hundreds of thousands of common people are deprived of their needs and starve and die. It is indeed a crime against humanity for a few greedy people to indulge in lavish lifestyles when the rest of the population lives amidst grinding property. The world has been created for each and every human being alive. It is capable of providing land food and raw materials for clothing for everyone! The world would surely be a better place if everyone opted for simple and healthy lifestyles. However, we see all around the mad rush for material possessions. Humans, greedy and selfishly, have been over-exploiting the natural resources over the years. The need of the hour is to balance materialism and over consumption with an awareness of the needs of others. Gandhiji spent his entire life w...

Hockey : A popular sport

  Hockey  is a sport in which two teams play against each other by trying to manoeuvre a ball or a puck into the opponent’s goal using a hockey stick. There are many types of hockey such as bandy, field hockey, ice hockey and rink hockey. In most of the world, the term  hockey  by itself refers to field hockey, while in Canada, the United States, Russia and most of Eastern and Northern Europe, the term usually refers to ice hockey. The first recorded use of the word  hockey  is in the 1773 book  Juvenile Sports and Pastimes, to Which Are Prefixed, Memoirs of the Author: Including a New Mode of Infant Education  by Richard Johnson (Pseud. Master Michel Angelo), whose chapter XI was titled “New Improvements on the Game of Hockey”. The belief that hockey was mentioned in a 1363 proclamation by King Edward III of England is based on modern translations ...

Global Warming

Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history. And experts see the trend is accelerating: All but one of the 16 hottest years in NASA’s 134-year record have occurred since 2000. Climate change deniers have argued that there has been a “pause” or a “slowdown” in rising global temperatures, but several recent studies, including a 2015 paper published in the journal Science, have disproved this claim. And scientists say that unless we curb global-warming emissions, average U.S. temperatures could increase by up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century. Q: What causes global warming? A:  Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants and greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, this radiation would escape into space—but these pollutants, which can last for years to centuries in the at...